ASNT Policy

Policy PP-10 A

Issued: 26 Jun 2010

Revised: 16 Jan 2020

ASNT Position Paper on NDT Personnel Certification

The following Position Paper on NDT Personnel Certification has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Society


ASNT has long held the view that accurate, efficient performance of relevant nondestructive testing (NDT) is essential to the satisfactory performance and life of all engineered components and structures. It has further recognized that the effectiveness of NDT depends, among other things, upon the capabilities of the people who are responsible for NDT and that their qualification and certification is one the necessary steps to achieving proper performance of NDT. ASNT also maintains its view that prudent and cost-effective usage of resources demands that the number of different certification systems employed in industry be minimized to avoid redundant and overlapping requirements and examinations, and to control the financial and record-keeping burden of the NDT professional.

Employer Role:

Under all commonly utilized certification schemes, the employer is responsible for authorizing NDT personnel to perform tasks; for determining the necessary training, experience, and examinations; and for documenting those requirements in a written practice. To the extent permitted by applicable codes, standards and purchase contracts, employers may utilize examinations and certifications given by other organizations, provided that they ensure that these services meet the requirements of the employer’s written practice.

ASNT Certifications:

ASNT, using a diverse base of subject matter experts with extensive experience in NDT and utilizing a rigorous peer review process, has developed and deployed psychometrically validated examinations. These ASNT examinations assess the candidate’s understanding of the relevant Body of Knowledge (BOK) for the designated NDT methods for specified levels, and, where appropriate, for specific techniques. For these ASNT examinations, the relevant BOK is similarly developed by subject matter experts with extensive experience in NDT and utilizing a rigorous peer review process and the BOK is documented in ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel (ANSI/ASNT CP-105). ASNT examinations are developed and administered in accordance with the requirements in the International Standard ISO/IEC 17024 for certification bodies and ASNT is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Other Certifications:

There are other organizations that offer NDT personnel examinations and certification programs, usually with a scope limited to specific applications or industrial sectors. These either address additional detailed requirements or provide a limited certification for some specific uses. Because of the diversity of the potential schemes and the number of organizations that may be involved, descriptions of their rationales, BOKs, and compliance with ISO/IEC 17024 are not provided here.

ASNT Position:

It is the responsibility of the employer, as the sole entity that authorizes individuals to perform NDT, to determine and document how they will qualify their NDT personnel. When employers utilize examinations or certifications issued by other organizations, ASNT recommends that attention be paid to the quality of the examination and certification processes including examination development by significantly large groups of recognized subject matter experts and independent accreditation of the program to ISO/IEC 17024. ASNT further recommends that whenever possible employers utilize certification schemes that have broad recognition and applicability, in order to provide efficient and cost-effective utilization of resources and to support the development of the NDT workforce.