ASNT Policy

Policy J-04.03 F

Issued: 18 Mar 2012

Revised: 13 Jul 2023

ASNT Vice-President

1.0 Purpose

The Purpose of this policy is to outline the responsibilities of the ASNT Vice-President.

2.0 Scope

To define the duties and responsibilities of the ASNT Vice-President.

3.0 References

3.1 ASNT Bylaws

3.2 ASNT Policy J-05.01, Executive Committee

3.3 ASNT Policy J-05.10, Business and Finance Committee

4.0 Duties

4.1 The Vice-President’s primary role is to support and advise the Chair of the Board and the President and perform duties as assigned.

4.2 Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the President in their absence or incapacity.

5.0 Committee Membership

The Vice-President shall be a member of the Executive Committee and serve on other Board committees, working groups, and task forces as appointed.