ASNT Policy

Policy PP-07 A

Issued: 29 Feb 1996

Revised: 18 Jan 2019

ASNT Position Paper on Writing and Approving Standards, Recommended Practices, and Codes

The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) was formed to promote the use and science of nondestructive testing (NDT). Standards, Recommended Practices and Codes are essential elements in the application of nondestructive testing. ASNT takes the following position with regard to writing and approving these documents.

1.0 Standards and Recommended Practices

ASNT through its Councils and Committees will develop and approve Standards and Recommended Practices related to the Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel. Where such documents are to be submitted as National Standards, they shall be developed through an ASNT Board of Directors and ANSI approved consensus process.

2.0 NDT Standards and Recommended Practices

NDT Standards Practices, Test Methods, and Guides are developed and approved by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Except as provided for in Section 1, ASNT shall not develop such documents for publication. Where ASNT Councils and Committees identify the need for additional NDT Standard Practices, Test Methods, and Guides, they shall request such activity to be undertaken by ASTM. Should ASTM decide not to undertake the activity, ASNT Councils and Committees may, with ASNT Board of Directors approval., undertake the development of such documents.

3.0 NDT Codes and Evaluation Criteria

The American Society of Mechanical Engineering, The American Welding Society, the Federal Government, and others issue codes which involve the use of nondestructive testing. It is the position of ASNT that writing, approving and issuing of such codes does not fall under the scope of ASNT activities. However, with ASNT Board of Directors approval, Recommended Evaluation Criteria to be used with a recognized NDT Method Standard or Code may be developed and published by ASNT where ASNT Councils and Committees feel there is a need for such documents.