ASNT… Creating a Safer World! ™
The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) is the world's largest technical society for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals. Through our organization and membership, we provide a forum for exchange of NDT technical information; NDT educational materials and programs; and standards and services for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. ASNT promotes the discipline of NDT as a profession and facilitates NDT research and technology applications.
Unfamiliar with NDT? Learn more about this important profession.
ASNT was founded in 1941 (under the name of The American Industrial Radium and X-Ray Society) and currently boasts a membership of nearly 13,000. The Society is structured into local Sections (or chapters) throughout the world. There are over 80 chartered local Sections in over 12 countries. Our membership represents a wide cross-section of NDT practitioners working in manufacturing, construction, education, research, consulting, services, and the military. Learn more about ASNT's membership options.
We are a nonprofit corporation governed by a board of directors and national officers. The Society is organized into councils which govern issues related to 1) Technical and Education, 2) Research, 3) Section Operations, 4) Engineering, 5) Women in NDT, and 6) Standards. These councils meet regularly to achieve the goals and objectives of the overall organization. In 2021, ASNT Certification Services LLC, a nonprofit limited liability company that manages and operates the certification and accreditation programs of the Society, was founded. Learn more about the LLC here. Day-to-day operations and activities are managed by the ASNT International Service Center staff in Columbus, Ohio. Learn more about the structure of ASNT.
We are the world leader in organizing and sponsoring NDT conferences and meetings. Our Annual Conference, Research Symposium, and numerous topical conferences attract thousands of participants each year. The Society also maintains an extensive publications operation which produces and distributes NDT-related books, standards, technical journals, and training materials. Learn more about getting involved with ASNT.
The ASNT family of organizations works to support the NDT industry in recruitment, development, and certification. Explore our other sites to learn how each organization is advancing NDT.
The philanthropic arm of ASNT, focused supporting NDT research, scholarship, and workforce development.